Sunday, October 19, 2008

Week End Get Away

It' is 5:30 Sunday morning and despite the fact that I am the only one awake at a hotel in Mesquite I am blogging as promised.
I got some slack about not posting a photo with my "bangs", but as most of you know I am the least photogenic person on this planet so it may take a couple million photos taken before I get one I like, so maybe next year sometime. I do have to say though that I have had a lot of good feedback on the bangs. My girlfriend Andi liked them and my Mom and Sister Shelby loved them! So I must be doing something right.
Like I said the Family and I are in Mesquite for a little together time which we desperately need. The kids are out of school Thursday thru Monday for UEA (deer hunt) so we scuttled down here yesterday and are staying until Monday. The girls and their cousins went cosmic bowling last night, then went pool hopping. They had a great time.
I didn't do so good at the gym this week. On Friday I had a lot of cooking to do for this trip and I was freaking out a little wondering how I was going to get it all done so I skipped the gym to bake 3 loaves of banana bread and put my roast in for shredded beef sandwiches that we will be having today and I made a macaroni salad. But on the flip side I promised myself a work out today and I usually take Sundays off. But, then Saturday rolled around and I had intended to leave the house at 2:30 work out with Kelsi and Emma until 4:00, pick Lonia up from work and head out of town. I got home from work around 1:00 and started packing, I had to shower and wash my hair, and I will admit I was running a little late but I was still on schedule for a work out when Em said, "Mom we cant leave's suppose to be a surprise but Dad is coming home early so he can go with us." My house was a mess and I was backed up in the laundry department so once again I skipped the gym and did a quick once over with the vacuum (does that count as exercise?) and cleaned the kitchen, folded a couple of loads of laundry and put them away and cleaned my bathroom. Needless to say some days I feel like it just doesn't all come together the way I would like it to.
My good friend Shannon gave me some much needed advice though about skipping my work out and off setting it with the things and amounts that I consume. Great advice and I do think I followed that yesterday, so no beating myself up. Since I didn't go to the gym yesterday I have no weigh in. I will have to skip that this week and post it along with my measurements next week.
Daxie couldn't come on the trip so she is at the Watkins' being babysat by Gabby. Thanks so much Gabby I know she is in good hands. Andi is one girl who I know loves dogs as much as I do, and she has the sweetest family in the world.
Well ya all on a final note, wait just a moment I have to get on my soap box....this election is one that we all should take an active part in. If you haven't registered to vote or don't know if you are registered please do so. If you haven't chosen a candidate, there are lots of web sites that post their views on the subjects that are important to all of us and our nation as a whole. take an evening to discuss the issues with you family and find the candidate that is right for you. I spent 4 years as Legislative V.P. for Washington Cnty School District PTA and along with a Sarah Urqhuart initiated the "Kids Vote USA" Program in our district 8 years ago. I can tell you from experience Kids are very interested in their country, after all it is their future we are trying to secure. You may be surprised at how much your kids know about what is happening in the world today even if you don't discuss it with them at home current events are likely a daily subject of study at their schools. Having an input helps to reinforce that our kids feelings are valuable and important to us as parents. O.K. I am getting down now.
Until next week...


Shannon said...

Well, Makenzie is for Obama so how scary is that? We tried to educate her but she likes Obama because McCain "is old and probably gonna die soon." NICE! We then spent the next 20 min iforming her that we all are gonna die if Obama is elected. Just kidding but her face was priceless! Anyhoo- sounds like your still as busy in the house but what were the girls doing while you were and work? They could have helped with the laundry- Im so mean to give my kids chores huh? And NO they dont do laundry-yet! Love ya and it was so nice to talk with you yesterday- check out vera bradley .com

andi watkins said...

well I would say you lost me at banana bread but I caught back up... slowly, lol. I think were gonna keep the pooch so dont be surprised when you come to pick her up and wHOops no one is home, haha. dont listen to shannon, if you want FACTS check out {just the facts baby!} BTW your bangs are totally HOT!

Shannon said...

whatever, you and I have already discussed our political views ( Acorn- Muslim-white hating wife,) and so Andi should just "suck it"! She says just the facts, but I dont want a country hating first lady in the "white" house cuz no doubt she will try to change it to the "black" house! Holla!