Sunday, September 28, 2008

A little side trip before the journey begins.

Life is great as long as there is no change. Change makes me look at myself and reevaluate everything around me. I would really rather not do that. Not only am I too busy but I rarely like what I see. So, then there is the whole process of "I am going to change this," "I am going to start doing this differently." And how long do those changes (always for the better) really last? I rarely stay on that good path that I have chosen, but instead revert back to my messed up ways.

But not this time! As part of my journey to turning 40 I am making life changes and I will be recording them all right here. My first commitment to change is making weekly contributions to my blog in order to stay in touch with my 3 bff's, hopefully this will make being apart a little more bearable. (Technically it is my second commitment, I joined they gym 2 weeks ago but more on that later)

Before the journey begins I need to take a little side trip to deal with one of my bff's moving (but not moving on).

Shannon and the family packed up and headed for parts unknown in the deep south on Friday. I stayed out of the way; no phone calls, no last minute tear filled visits because I know that she is under an enormous amount of pressure and I didn't feel that I needed to be there for her to know I love her. BUT, I never got to see or say good bye to the kids and that is really hurting me right now. I spoke with Donna Friday night and she stopped by and saw the kids for a quick minute and I am sure Andi did also. Today I am going to seriously reevaluate what kind of a friend I am. My three daughters love my girlfriends of 13 yrs, but I feel as if their kids barely know me. That speaks volumes about the kind of friend that I have been VS. the kind of friends they have been.

So Shannon, my professional blogger, this is for you. I will record my weekly progress on the gym/diet front so you can encourage and uplift me all the while keeping up with goings on in each others lives. It's not quite the same but we wouldn't have had this in the 80's so lets appreciate the technology and blog away.

Now get unpacked, put a smile on your face (a little make up too, were getting too old to go out in public without make up) and get to the closest gym. You will feel so much better when you can get some ME time.
I love you tons...and no worries honey you will not be replaced.


andi watkins said...

Awh thats sweet shuga, but as far as connecting with my kids goes...they respond well to cash. lol,hAHaha. anywho, cute blog... but wheres the tunes?

Shannon said...

I better not ever be replaced my almost 40 friend. Thanks for the mention in your blog- Im feeling very loved. Dont fret about the kids cuz you will always be Aunt Tootie. Hows the workout/weightloss plan? Keep it up! Love ya and miss you my whole heartfull!